AG Kürten
Der Forschungsfokus unserer Arbeitsgruppe liegt auf der Erforschung der Multiplen Sklerose (MS) und den Pathomechanismen von Autoimmunerkrankungen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf Zellvorgänge im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS). Die in Schüben verlaufende MS ist nicht heilbar. Durch unsere Forschungsarbeiten erhoffen wir uns allerdings eine bessere Vorhersage des Krankheitsverlaufs sowie verbesserte Therapiemöglichkeiten.
In allen Forschungsprojekten spielt der translationale Charakter in die klinische Praxis eine besondere Rolle. Mit anderen Worten: Für eine verbesserte Versorgung der Betroffenen ist uns die direkte Übertragung vielversprechender Forschungsergebnisse in die klinische Anwendung wichtig.
Prof. Dr. med. Stefanie Kürten
Unsere Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Unterbereichen.
Zum einen sind wir in der Grundlagenforschung mit verschiedenen Ansätzen tätig, angefangen mit dem Mausmodell der Multiplen Sklerose, der sogenannten EAE (Experimentelle autoimmune Enzephalomyelitis). Wir nutzen ebenso Zellkulturen und schließlich Schnittkulturen (Slice Cultures), bei denen beispielsweise ein Schnitt vom Kleinhirn genommen wird, in Kultur gebracht wird und daran Medikamente getestet werden können.
Ziel der Arbeitsgruppe ist, die Ergebnisse unserer Grundlagenforschung auf Patienten übertragen zu können. Wir wollen die Versorgung der Patienten nachhaltig verbessern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, beschäftigen wir uns derzeit mit mehreren vielversprechenden Forschungsfragen:
- Welche Rolle spielen B-Zellen für die MS?
- Kann der Darm Ausgangspunkt für die MS sein?
- Welche Schlüsse können wir daraus ziehen, dass das Medikament Nimodipin im Mausmodell gut wirkt?
Was B-Zellen über den Therapieerfolg bei MS verraten
Wir erforschen, warum diese Zellpopulation bei MS wichtig ist, und auf welchen Ebenen sie involviert ist.
Ist der Darm Ausgangspunkt für MS?
Seit einiger Zeit wird die Theorie erforscht, dass neurodegenerative Erkrankungen wie beispielsweise Morbus Parkinson im enterischen Nervensystem entstehen.
Wie und warum wirkt Nimodipin?
Geht eine schubförmig remittierende Multiple Sklerose im weiteren Krankheitsverlauf in eine sekundär progrediente MS über ...
MitarbeiterInnen der AG
Der translationale Forschungscharakter spiegelt sich in der Zusammensetzung der Arbeitsgruppe wider:
Unsere Arbeitsgruppe besteht zum einen aus NaturwissenschaftlerInnen, naturwissenschaftlichen DoktorandInnen und Postdocs, und zum anderen aus MedizinerInnen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen. Das sind MedizindoktorandInnen, aber auch ÄrztInnen, die den klinischen Blickpunkt ebenso in die Forschung hereinbringen. Auch mithilfe unserer Körperspender und Körperspenderinnen können wir klinische Fragestellungen klären, wenn es beispielsweise um die Entwicklung von neuen Operationstechniken geht.
Im kernsanierten Anatomischen Institut am Universitätsklinikum Bonn stehen uns moderne Labore für unsere Arbeit zur Verfügung.
Special Forces
Rittika Chunder
Elina Groß-Albenhausen
Stefanie Schliwa
Laura Klose
Alicia Weier
Dr. Maik Hintze
Dr. Sarah Schumacher
Effects of a fully humanized type II anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody on peripheral and CNS B cells in a transgenic mouse model of multiple sclerosis
Tacke S, Chunder R, Schropp V, Urich E, Kuerten S
Int J Mol Sci, 23:3172 (2022)
Antibody cross-reactivity between bovine casein and myelin results in demyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
Chunder R, Weier A, Mäurer H, Luber N, Enders M, Luber G, Heider T, Spitzer A, Tacke S, Becker-Gotot J, Kurts C, Iyer R, Ho PP, Robinson WH, Lanz TV, Kuerten S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 119:e2117034119 (2022)
Weitere Publikationen
- B-cell activity predicts response to glatiramer acetate and interferon in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Tacke S, Braune S, Rovituso DM, Ziemssen T, Lehmann PV, Dikow H, Bergmann A, Kuerten S (2021), Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 8:e980
- Bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors in the leptomeninges of adult mice Koeniger T, Bell L, Mifka A, Enders M, Hautmann V, Mekala SR, Kirchner P, Ekici AB, Schulz C, Wörsdörfer P, Mencl S, Kleinschnitz C, Ergün S, Kuerten S (2021), Stem Cells, 39:227-239
- MRI of finger pulleys at 7T – Direct characterization of pulley ruptures in an ex vivo model Heiss R, Librimir A, Lutter C, Janka R, Kuerten S, Roemer FW, Nagel AM, Uder M, Bayer T (2021), Diagnostics, 11:1206
- Affinity tag coating enables reliable detection of antigen-specific B cells in Immunospot assays Köppert S, Wolf C, Becza N, Sautto GA, Franke F, Kuerten S, Ross TM, Lehmann PV, Kirchenbaum GA (2021), Cells, 10:1843
- Murine esophagus expresses glial-derived central nervous system antigens Kapitza C, Chunder R, Scheller A, Given KS, Macklin WB, Enders M, Kuerten S, Neuhuber WL, Wörl J (2021), Int J Mol Sci, 22:3233
- Mice heterozygous for the sodium channel Scn8a (Nav1.6) have reduced inflammatory responses during EAE and following LPS challenge Alrashdi B, Dawod B, Tacke S, Kuerten S, Côté PD, Marshall JS (2021), Front Immunol, 12:533423
- Obinutzumab-induced B cell depletion reduces spinal cord pathology in a CD20 double transgenic mouse model of multiple sclerosis Breakell T, Tacke S, Schropp V, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Urich E, Kuerten S. (2020), Int J Mol Sci, 21:6864
- Autoantibodies against central nervous system antigens in a subset of B cell-dominant multiple sclerosis patients Kuerten S, Lanz TV, Lingampalli N, Lahey LJ, Kleinschnitz C, Mäurer M, Schroeter M, Braune S, Ziemssen T, Ho PP, Robinson WH, Steinman L (2020), Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117:21512-21518
- Same same but different: A Web-based deep learning application revealed classifying features for the histopathologic distinction of cortical malformations Kubach J, Muhlebner-Fahrngruber A, Soylemezoglu F, Miyata H, Niehusmann P, Honavar M, Rogerio F, Kim SH, Aronica E, Garbelli R, Vilz S, Popp A, Walcher S, Neuner C, Scholz M, Kuerten S, Schropp V, Roeder S, Eichhorn P, Eckstein M, Brehmer A, Kobow K, Coras R, Blumcke I, Jabari S (2020), Epilepsia, 61:421-432
- IL-21 in conjunction with anti-CD40 and IL-4 constitutes a potent polyclonal B cell stimulator for monitoring antigen-specific memory B cells Franke F, Kirchenbaum GA, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2020), Cells, 9:433
- Lymphoid tissue inducer cells are not a prerequisite for ectopic lymphoid organ formation in the central nervous system in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis Schropp V, Rohde J, Rovituso DM, Jabari S, Bharti R, Kuerten S (2019), J Neuroinflammation, 16:111
- Characterization of blood-brain barrier integrity in a B cell-dependent mouse model of multiple sclerosis Bell L, Koeniger T, Tacke S, Kuerten S (2019), Histochem Cell Biol, 151:489-499
- Aged hind-limb clasping experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis models aspects of the neurodegenerative process seen in multiple sclerosis Cahill LS, Zhang MA, Ramaglia V, Whetstone H, Sabbagh MP, Yi TJ, Woo L, Przybycien TS, Moshkova M, Zhao FL, Rojas OL, Gomes J, Kuerten S, Gommerman JL, Sled JG, Dunn SE (2019), Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 116:22710-22720.
- Nav1.6 promotes inflammation and neuronal degeneration in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis Alrashdi B, Dawod B, Schampel A, Tacke S, Kuerten S, Marshall JS, Côté PD (2019), J Neuroinflammation, 16:215
- Morphological and immunohistochemical characterization of human intrinsic gastric neurons Anetsberger D, Jabari S, Kuerten S, Brehmer A (2019), Cell Tissue Organs, 206:183-195
- Severe bornavirus-encephalitis presenting as Guillain-Barré-syndrome Coras R, Korn K, Kuerten S, Huttner HB, Ensser A (2019), Acta Neuropathol, 137:1017-1019
- Digital pathology imaging and computer-aided diagnostics as a novel tool for standardization of evaluation of aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung disease) histopathology Schilling F, Geppert CE, Strehl J, Hartmann A, Kuerten S, Brehmer A, Jabari S (2019), Cell Tissue Res, 375:371-381
- Anti-CD52 antibody treatment abrogates B cell infiltration and attenuates neurodegeneration in the central nervous system in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis Simon M, Ipek R, Homola GA, Rovituso DM, Schampel A, Kleinschnitz C, Kuerten S (2018), J Neuroinflammation, 15:225
- Digital pathology imaging and computer-aided diagnostics as a novel tool for standardization of evaluation of Hirschsprung’s disease histopathology Schilling F, Geppert CE, Strehl J, Hartmann A, Kuerten S, Brehmer A, Jabari S (2018), Cell Tissue Res, 375:371-381
- Generation of cardiomyocytes from vascular adventitia-resident stem cells Mekala SR, Bauer J, Stoll O, Wagner N, Reeh L, Loew K, Eckner GL, Wischmeyer E, Dickinson M, Schulze H, Stegner D, Benndorf RA, Edenhofer F, Kuerten S, Woersdoerfer P, Frantz S, Kwok CK, Ergün S (2018), Circ Res, 123:686-699
- B cells and B cell blasts withstand cryopreservation while retaining their functionality for producing antibody Fecher P, Caspell R, Naeem V, Karulin AY, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2018), Cells, 7 pii:E50
- Direct detection of T- and B-memory lymphocytes by Immunospot® assays reveals HCMV exposure that serum antibodies fail to identify Terlutter F, Caspell R, Nowacki TM, Lehmann A, Li R, Zhang T, Przybyla A, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2018), Cells, 7 pii:E45
- High-throughput GLP-capable target cell visualization assay for measuring cell-mediated cytotoxicity Welter A, Sundararaman S, Li R, Zhang T, Karulin AY, Lehmann A, Naeem V, Roen DR, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2018), Cells, 7 pii:E35
- Calbindin D28-immunoreactivity in human enteric neurons Zetzmann K, Strehl J, Geppert C, Kuerten S, Jabari S, Brehmer A (2018), Int J Mol Sci, 19 pii:E194
- Nimodipine fosters remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and induces microglia-specific apoptosis Schampel A, Volovitch O, Koeniger T, Scholz CJ, Jörg S, Linker RA, Wischmeyer E, Wunsch M, Hell JW, Ergün S, Kuerten S (2017), Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114:E3295-E3304
- Differential effects of FTY720 on the B cell compartment in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis Bail K, Notz Q, Rovituso DM, Schampel A, Wunsch M, Koeniger T, Schropp V, Bharti R, Scholz CJ, Foerstner KU, Kleinschnitz C, Kuerten S (2017), J Neuroinflammation, 14:148
- The enteric nervous system is a potential autoimmune autoimmune target in multiple sclerosis Wunsch M, Jabari S, Voussen B, Enders M, Srinivasan S, Cossais F, Wedel T, Boettner M, Schwarz A, Weyer L, Göcer O, Schroeter M, Maeurer M, Woenckhaus M, Pollok K, Radbruch H, Klotz L, Scholz C, Nickel J, Friebe A, Addicks K, Ergün S, Lehmann PV, Kuerten S (2017), Acta Neuropathol, 134:281-295
- A positive control for detection of functional CD4 T cells in PBMC: The CPI pool Schiller A, Zhang T, Li R, Duechting A, Sundararaman S, Przybyla A, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2017), Cells, 6 pii:E47
- Delayed activation kinetics of Th2- and Th17 cells Duechting A, Przybyla A, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2017), Cells, 6 pii:E29
- Visualization of endothelial barrier damage prior to formation of atherosclerotic plaques Bömmel H, Kleefeldt F, Zernecke A, Ghavampour S, Wagner N, Kuerten S, Ergün S (2017), Histochem Cell Biol, 148:117-127
- CEACAM1 mediates B cell aggregation in central nervous system autoimmunity Rovituso D, Scheffler L, Wunsch M, Kleinschnitz C, Dörck S, Ulzheimer J, Bayas A, Steinman L, Ergün S, Kuerten S (2016), Sci Rep, 6:29847
- The correlation between the virus- and brain antigen-specific B cell response in the blood of patients with multiple sclerosis Wunsch M, Hohmann C, Milles B, Rostermund C, Lehmann PV, Schroeter M, Bayas A, Ulzheimer J, Mäurer M, Ergün S, Kuerten S (2016), Viruses, 8:105
- Blood coagulation factor XII drives adaptive immunity during neuroinflammation via CD87-mediated modulation of dendritic cells Göbel K, Pankratz S, Asaridou C, Herrmann AM, Bittner S, Merker M, Ruck T, Glumm S, Langhauser F, Kraft P, Krug TF, Breuer J, Herold M, Gross CC, Stegner D, Beckmann D, Korb-Pap A, Schuhmann MK, Kuerten S, Mitroulis I, Ruppert C, Nolte MW, Panousis C, Klotz L, Kehrel B, Korn T, Langer HF, Pap T, Nieswandt B, Wiendl H, Chavakis T, Kleinschnitz C, Meuth SG (2016), Nat Commun, 7:11626
- Autoantigen-specific immunosuppression with tolerogenic peripheral blood cells prevents relapses in a mouse model of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Kleist C, Mohr E, Gaikwad S, Dittmar L, Kuerten S, Platten M, Mier W, Schmitt M, Opelz G, Terness P (2016), J Transl Med, 14:99
- Time-dependent progression of demyelination and axonal pathology in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Prinz J, Karacivi A, Stormanns E. Recks MS, Kuerten S (2015), PLoS One, 10:e0144847
- The brain antigen-specific B cell response correlates with glatiramer acetate responsiveness in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients Rovituso DM, Duffy E, Schroeter M, Kaiser CC, Kleinschnitz C, Bayas A, Elsner R, Kuerten S (2015), Sci Rep, 5:14265
- Four different synthetic peptides of proteolipid protein induce a distinct antibody response in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Recks MS, Grether NB, van der Broeck F, Ganscher A, Wagner N, Henke E, Ergün S, Schroeter M, Kuerten S (2015), Clin Immunol, 159:93-106
- Central nervous system infiltrates are characterized by features of ongoing B cell-related immune activity in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Batoulis H, Wunsch M, Birkenheier J, Rottlaender A, Gorboulev V, Kuerten S (2015), Clin Immunol, 158:47-58
- Characterization of the HCMV-specific CD4 T cell responses that are associated with protective immunity Wunsch M, Zhang W, Hanson J, Caspell R, Karulin AY, Recks MS, Kuerten S, Sundararaman S, Lehmann PV (2015), Viruses, 7:4414-4437
- CNS cell distribution and axon orientation determine local spinal cord mechanical properties Koser DE, Moeendarbary E, Hanne J, Kuerten S, Franze K (2015), Biophys J, 108:2137-2147
- Serial measurements of apoptotic cell numbers provide better acceptance criterion for PBMC quality than a single measurement prior to the T cell assay Wunsch M, Caspell R, Kuerten S, Lehmann PV, Sundararaman S (2015), Cells, 4:40-55
- Blockade of tumour necrosis factor-α in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis reveals differential effects on the antigen-specific immune response and central nervous system histopathology Batoulis H, Recks MS, Holland FO, Thomalla F, Williams RO, Kuerten S (2014), Clin Exp Immunol, 175:41-48
- Identification of a B cell-dependent subpopulation of multiple sclerosis by measurements of brain-reactive B cells in the blood Kuerten S, Pommerschein G, Barth SK, Hohmann C, Milles B, Sammer FW, Duffy CE, Wunsch M, Rovituso DM, Schroeter M, Addicks K, Kaiser CC, Lehmann PV (2014), Clin Immunol, 152:20-24
- B1 cells are unaffected by immune modulatory treatment in remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis patients Rovituso D, Heller S, Schroeter M, Kleinschnitz C, Kuerten S (2014), J Neuroimmunol, 272:86-90
- Conventional housing conditions attenuate the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Arndt A, Hoffacker P, Zellmer K, Goecer O, Recks MS, Kuerten S (2014), PLoS One, 9:e99794
- Categorization of multiple sclerosis relapse subtypes by B cell profiling in the blood Hohmann C, Milles B, Schinke M, Schroeter M, Ulzheimer J, Kraft P, Kleinschnitz C, Lehmann PV, Kuerten S (2014), Acta Neuropathol Commun, 2:138
- The complement system contributes to the pathology of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by triggering demyelination and modifying the antigen-specific T and B cell response Hundgeburth LC, Pauly R, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2013), Clin Immunol, 146:155-164
- Early axonal damage and progressive myelin pathology define the kinetics of CNS histopathology in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis Recks MS, Stormanns ER, Bader J, Arnhold S, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2013), Clin Immunol, 149:32-45
- Longitudinal T cell-derived IFN-g/IL-17 balances do not correlate with the disease course in two mouse models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Kuerten S, Wunsch M, Lehmann PV (2013), J Immunol Methods, 398-399:68-75
- Differential aspects of immune cell infiltration and neurodegeneration in acute and relapse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Soellner IA, Rabe J, Mauri V, Kaufmann J, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2013), Clin Immunol, 149:519-529
- The extent of ultrastructural spinal cord pathology reflects disease severity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Gruppe TL, Recks MS, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2012), Histol Histopathol, 27:1163-1174
- Resting of cryopreserved PBMC does not generally benefit the performance of antigen-specific T cell ELISPOT assays Kuerten S, Batoulis H, Recks MS, Karacsony E, Zhang W, Subbramanian RA, Lehmann PV (2012), Cells, 1:409-427
- The magnitude of the antigen-specific T cell response is separated from the severity of spinal cord histopathology in remitting-relapsing EAE Batoulis H, Uhl M, Addicks K, Lehmann PV, Kuerten S (2012), Glia, 60:794-805
- Tertiary lymphoid organ development coincides with determinant spreading of the myelin-specific T cell response Kuerten S, Schickel A, Kerkloh C, Recks MS, Addicks K, Ruddle NH, Lehmann PV (2012), Acta Neuropathol, 124:861-873
- CREM overexpression decreases IL-2 production, induces a TH17 phenotype and accelerates autoimmunity Lippe R, Ohl K, Varga, G, Rauen T, Crispin JC, Juang YT, Kuerten S, Tacke F, Wolf M, Roebroeck K, Vogl T, Verjans E, Honke N, Ehrchen J, Foell D, Skryabin B, Wagner N, Tsokos GC, Roth J, Tenbrock K (2012), J Mol Cell Biol, 4:121-123
- Differential patterns of spinal cord pathology induced by MP4, MOG peptide 35-55, and PLP peptide 178-191 in C57BL/6 mice Kuerten S, Gruppe TL, Laurentius LM, Kirch C, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV, Addicks K (2011), APMIS, 119:336-346
- Neuroprotective role of fibroblast growth factor-2 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Rottlaender A, Villwock H, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2011), Immunology, 133:370-378
- Myelin-reactive antibodies mediate the pathology of MBP-PLP fusion protein MP4-induced EAE Kuerten S, Pauly R, Rottlaender A, Rodi M, Gruppe TL, Addicks K, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV (2011), Clin Immunol, 140:54-62
- Spinal cord histopathology of MOG peptide 35-55-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is time- and score-dependent Recks MS, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2011), Neurosci Lett, 494:227-231
- The clinical course of EAE is reflected by the dynamics of the neuroantigen-specific T cell compartment in the blood Kuerten S, Rottlaender A, Rodi M, Schroeter M, Kaiser C, Addicks K, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV (2010), Clin Immunol, 137:422-432
- Involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Javeri S, Rodi M, Tary-Lehmann M, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2010), Clin Immunol, 137:181-189
- Delineating the impact of genetic diversity vs. neuroantigen in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis of C57BL/6 and B6.129 mice Kuerten S, Rodi M, Javeri S, Gruppe TL, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV, Addicks K (2009), APMIS, 117:923-935
- Fundamental differences in the CNS lesion development and composition in MP4- and MOG:35-55-induced EAE Kuerten S, Javeri S, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV, Angelov DN (2008), Clin Immunol, 129:256-267
- The TRAIL of helpless CD8+ T cells in HIV infection Kuerten S, Asaad RJ, Schoenberger SP, Lehmann PV, Tary-Lehmann M (2008), AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 24:1175-1183
- Lack of disease specificity limits the usefulness of in vitro costimulation in HIV- and HCV-infected patients Kuerten S, Schlingmann T, Rajasalu T, Angelov DN, Lehmann PV, Tary-Lehmann M (2008), Clin Dev Immunol, 590941
- Manual stimulation of the orbicularis oculi muscle improves eyelid closure after facial nerve injury in adult rats Bischoff A, Grosheva M, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Kaidoglu K, Michael J, Kuerten S, Sinis N, Dunlop S, Angelov DN (2008), Muscle Nerve, 39:197-205
- Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation does not improve quality of muscle reinnervation or recovery of motor function after facial nerve transection in rats Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Arnhold S, Skouras E, Kuerten S, Streppel M, Angelova S, Wewetzer K, Radtke C, Dunlop S, Angelov DN (2008), Biol Chem, 389:873-878
- Manually-stimulated recovery of motor function after facial nerve injury requires intact sensory input Pavlov S, Grosheva M, Streppel M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Angelova S, Kuerten S, Sinis N, Dunlop S, Angelov DN (2008), Exp Neurol, 211:292-300
- Thymic epithelial cells of human patients affected by myasthenia gravis overexpress IGF-I-immunoreactivity Marinova TT, Kuerten S, Petrov DB, Angelov DN (2008), APMIS, 116:50-58
- MP4- and MOG:35-55-induced EAE in C57BL/6 mice differentially targets brain, spinal cord and cerebellum Kuerten S, Kostova-Bales DA, Frenzel LF, Tary-Lehmann M, Angelov DN, Lehmann PV (2007), J Neuroimmunol, 189:31-40
- Dissociated production of perforin, granzyme B and IFN-g by HIV-specific CD8+ cells in HIV infection Kuerten S, Nowacki TM, Kleen TO, Asaad RJ, Lehmann PV, Tary-Lehmann M (2007), AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 24:62-71
- Dissociation of EAE protective effect and allergic side reactions in tolerization with neuroantigen Lichtenegger FS, Kuerten S, Faas S, Boehm BO, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV (2007), J Immunol, 178:4749-4756
- Granzyme-B production, but not cytokine signatures distinguish recently activated CD8 memory cells from resting memory cells Nowacki TM, Kuerten S, Zhang W, Boehm BO, Lehmann PV, Tary-Lehmann M (2007), Cell Immunol, 247:36-48
- Manual stimulation of facial muscles improves functional recovery after hypoglossal–facial anastomosis and interpositional nerve grafting of the facial nerve in adult rats Guntinas-Lichius O, Hundeshagen G, Paling T, Streppel TM, Grosheva M, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Alvanou A, Angelova SK, Kuerten S, Sinis N, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN (2007), Neurobiol Dis, 28:101-112
- Manual stimulation of forearm muscles does not improve recovery of motor function after injury to a mixed peripheral nerve Sinis N, Guntinas-Lichius O, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Kuerten S, Pavlov SP, Schaller HE, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN (2007), Exp Brain Res, 185:469-483
- Local stabilization of microtubule assembly improves recovery of facial nerve function after repair Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Angelova SK, Kuerten S, Alvanou A, Streppel M, Skouras E, Sinis N, Pavlov S, Angelov DN (2007), Exp Neurol, 185:469-483
Manual stimulation of the suprahyoid-sublingual region diminishes muscle polynnervation and improves recovery of function after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats Evgenieva E, Schweigert P, Guntinas-Lichius O, Pavlov S, Grosheva M, Angelova S, Streppel M, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Kuerten S, Sinis N, Dunlop S, Radeva V, Angelov DN (2007), Neurorehabil Neural Rep, 22:754-768
- MBP-PLP fusion protein-induced EAE in C57BL/6 mice Kuerten S, Lichtenegger FS, Faas S, Angelov DN, Tary-Lehmann M, Lehmann PV (2006), J Neuroimmunol, 177:99-111
- Disorders of the enteric nervous system - a holistic view Niesler B, Kuerten S, Demir IE, Schäfer KH (2021), Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, 18:393-410
- B cells in multiple sclerosis and virus-induced neuroinflammation Chunder R, Schropp V, Kuerten S (2020), Front Neurol, 11:591894
- Strategies for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis and the role of calcium Enders M, Heider T, Ludwig A, Kuerten S (2020), Int J Mol Sci, 21:1663
- Impact of glatiramer acetate on B cell-mediated pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis Kuerten S, Jackson LJ, Kaye J, Vollmer TL (2018), CNS Drugs, 32:1039-1051
- The role of voltage-gated calcium channels in central nervous system pathology Schampel A, Kuerten S (2017) Danger: high voltage, Cells, 6 pi:E43
- Splitting the »unsplittable«: Dissecting resident and infiltrating macrophages in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Koeniger T, Kuerten S (2017), Int J Mol Sci, 18 pii:E2072
- The role of CEA-related cell adhesion molecule-1 (CEACAM1) in vascular homeostasis Rueckschloss U, Kuerten S, Ergün S (2017), Histochem Cell Biol, 146:657-671
- The vascular adventitia: an endogenous, omnipresent source of stem cells in the body Wörsdörfer P, Bauer J, Mekala SR, Edenhofer F, Kuerten S, Ergün S (2017), Pharmacol Therapeut, 171:13-29
- Stepchild or Prodigy? Neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis (MS) research Rottlaender A, Kuerten S (2015), Int J Mol Sci, 16:14850-14865
- The autoimmune pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis Lehmann PV, Rottlaender A, Kuerten S (2015), Pharmazie 70:5-11
- Die autoimmune Pathogenese der Multiplen Sklerose Lehmann PV, Rottlaender A, Kuerten S (2014), Pharmakon 6:379-386
- Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis – achievements and prospective advances Batoulis H, Recks MS, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2011), APMIS, 119:819-830
- The immune pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: lessons learned for multiple sclerosis? Kuerten S, Lehmann PV (2011), Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Res, 31:907-916
- Axonal damage and its significance for the concept of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis Recks MS, Bader J, Kaiser CC, Schroeter M, Fink GR, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2011), Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 79:161-170
- The significance of a B cell-dependent immunopathology in multiple sclerosis Kuerten S, Pauly R, Blaschke S, Rottlaender A, Kaiser CC, Schroeter M, Fink GR, Addicks K (2011), Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 79:83-91
- Emerging concepts beyond the CD4/TH1 paradigm of autoimmune encephalomyelitis Batoulis H, Addicks K, Kuerten S (2010), Ann Anat 192:179-193
- The dural arteriovenous fistula – an unimposing morphological correlate with imposing consequences Kuerten S, Sparing R, Rottlaender A, Rodi M, Barbe M, Fink GR (2009), Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 77:679-707
- Comparing the CNS morphology and immunobiology of different EAE models in C57BL/6 mice - a step towards understanding the complexity of multiple sclerosis Kuerten S, Angelov DN (2008), Ann Anat 190:1-15
- Kapitel: ZNS und Sinnesorgane Kurzlehrbuch Anatomie, Jens Waschke (Hrsg.), Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier Group; ISBN 9783437432958 (03/2017)
- Studies on the CNS histopathology of EAE and its correlation with clinical and immunological parameters Kuerten S, Addicks K, Lehmann PV (2012), Weissert R (Ed.), Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis - Models, Disease Biology and Experimental Therapy. Rijeka: Intech
- Antibodies as biomarkers in multiple sclerosis Wunsch M, Rovituso DM, Kuerten S (2014), KIR4.1, Front Neurol, 5:62 (Kommentar)
- CNS antigen and myelin-specific B cell, T cell and antibody responses are diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers of multiple sclerosis Kuerten S, Lehmann PV. CLTL-01042-WO.001; EP12782351.6-1102/2707013 (granted); 14/113,740/CLTL 1042 US5 (granted)