Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Odermatt

  • Group leader: Zebrafish
  • Professor of natural sciences
  • Doctor of natural sciences

About him

Mr. Odermatt studied biology in Bonn and did his doctorate in genetics. He then spent seven years in Cambridge (UK) at the LMB during his post-doc period and began working there with zebrafish as a model and using them for microscopic-physiological studies.

In 2011, Mr. Odermatt returned to the University of Bonn as a junior professor (tenur-track) via a NRW return scholarship. Since 2018, Mr. Odermatt has held a W2 neuroanatomy professorship at the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Bonn.

Avatar Odermatt

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Odermatt

Group leader zebrafish

Nussallee 10

53115 Bonn

General Anzeiger

Returnee Programme from Cambridge to Bonn: The Secret of the Zebrafish.

General Anzeiger

Fundraising campaign of the Anatomical Institute in Bonn: A photo with a bust for Ukraine.

General Anzeiger

Jewel of the Poppelsdorf campus: the university's old anatomy was renovated at a cost of 16.9 million Euros.

General Anzeiger

The secret of the zebrafish: Benjamin Odermatt came to Bonn via the returnee programme from Cambridge.

General Anzeiger

Gene influences brain development: Study by the University of Bonn shows that mutations in the hereditary disposition are inherited differently.

Curriculum vitae

since 04/2018

Full Professor (W2) at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Bonn (Faculty of Medicine) / Neuroanatomy

since 05/2016

Head of the Core Facilities Zebrafish of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bonn

2012 - 2018

Junior Professor (W1), Group Leader / NRW Returnee Fellowship, at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Bonn

2008 - 2012

Investigator Scientist at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Medical Research Council) in Cambridge, England (UK), with Dr. Leon Lagnado in the Department of Neurobiology

2004 - 2008

Post-Doc am Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Medial Research Council) in Cambridge, England (UK), bei Dr. Leon Lagnado im Department für Neurobiologie

2000 - 2004

Promotion to Dr. rer. nat. with a thesis on »Studies on the expression and function of connexin47 in the mouse« under Prof. Dr. Klaus Willecke at the Institute of Genetics at the University of Bonn

1994 - 2000

Diploma program in Biology at the University of Bonn. Title of diploma thesis »Isolation and characterization of the mouse connexin47 gene«

Projects and third-party funds

Identification and characterisation of the genetic causes of congenital chylothoraces


2023 - 2026



Systematic identification of disease genes for the ecstrophy-epispadias complex


2017 - 2020



Neuroallianz Research Cooperation


2016 - 2017


UCB Pharma

Two-photon in vivo microscope




DFG, NRW large-scale equipment application

NRW Returnee Scholarship 2010


2012 – 2017


Ministry of Culture and Science NRW

Awards and Prizes

NRW Returnee Scholarship


2012 - 2016

Award for:

Program to promote the return of top young scientists from abroad (2010 call for proposals; »Research relevant to medicine«)

Marie Curie Fellowship (IEF)


2006 - 2008

Award for:

Fellowship for post-docs of any nationality working in a European country and wishing to carry out a research project at a research institution in another European country (European Commission under the 6th EU Research Framework Program)

Career Development Fellowship



Award for:

Scholarship of the Medical Research Council (MRC), UK

DFG Research Fellowship


2000 - 2003

Award for:

Fellow of the DFG Research Training Group (246) »Pathogenesis of the Nervous System«


Effect of modulating glutamate signaling on myelinating oligodendrocytes and their development-A study in the zebrafish model

Turan F, Yilmaz Ö, Schünemann L, Lindenberg TT, Kalanithy JC, Harder A, Ahmadi S, Duman T, MacDonald RB, Winter D, Liu C and Odermatt B. (2021)

J Neurosci Res. 99(11):2774-2792; PMID: 34520578

Biallelic and monoallelic variants in PLXNA1 are implicated in a novel neurodevelopmental disorder with variable cerebral and eye anomalies

Dworschak GC, Punetha J, Kalanithy JC, Mingardo E, …. Lindenberg T, Yilmaz Ö, Odermatt B, Pehlivan D, Posey JE, Lupski JR and Reutter H. (2021)

Genet Med. 23(9):1715-1725

SLC20A1 Is involved in urinary tract and urorectal development

Rieke JM, Zhang R, Braun D, Yilmaz Ö, Japp AS, Lopes FM, Pleschka M, Hilger AC, Schneider S, Newman WG, …. Ludwig M, Schweizer U, Woolf AS, Odermatt B* and Reutter H* (2020)

Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 8:567

CNS myelin protein 36K regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation through Notch

Nagarajan B, Harder A, Japp A, Häberlein F, Mingardo E, Kleinert H, Yilmaz Ö, Zoons A, Rau B, Christ A, Kubitscheck U, Eiberger B, Sandhoff R, Eckhardt M, Hartmann D and Odermatt B (2020)

Glia 68(3):509-527

Rare Variants in BNC2 Are Implicated in Autosomal-Dominant Congenital Lower Urinary-Tract Obstruction

Kolvenbach CM, Dworschak GC, …., Odermatt B* and Hilger AC* (2019)

Am J Hum Genet. 104:994-1006

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